we are NUOO
The contemporary world is currently going through a process of structural changes. After years of outrageous consumption and extreme exploitation of resources, it has become necessary to turn towards a more sustainable way of consumption, where less and better consumption has the priority.

we are sustainable
NUOO Clothing is a brand that focuses on ethical and sustainable fashion by offering a contemporary aesthetic.
For our garments, we use fabrics and materials that respect the environment, from industrial recycling or by connecting innovation and traditional methods of manufacturing. In the fabrics section, you can get to know more about the fibers we use in the design and production of each collection.

we are ethical labor
Our garments are made in Spain, through local and artisan workshops by people who love their work. We have developed a relationship with them based on trust and closeness, where every person involved learns from each other’s experience and know-how. In short, we treat the people in a way that we would like to be treated, in order to contribute to the development of a more fair and human society.
we are local production
We’ve seen first-hand the effects that relocation of production can have on society; that’s why we’re fully committed to the economic and social development of our environment. Furthermore, in our production system we aim to reduce the distances between our workshops and the end client as much as possible, contributing to a reduction in carbon footprint.

we are slow fashion movement
Being a part of slow fashion means we prefer to work with quality over quantity, in a fair and respectful work environment in which we value the people involved. As part of this process, we produce on request and optimize the production in a way where textile residuals that are generated through our activity, are minimized.
we are consciousness
NUOO is an evolution of the word «nudo» (Spanish for «knot») with which we became known in the market. A concept that encompasses the action of doing something new but anchored in tradition and enduring values. When we say NUOO we are talking about people, equality, society, being fair, having a conscience, building the future without destroying our history or the environment in which we live.